[Aurora] Submission 142129 – Otto Gruebl

Rare Great Aurora shining above Whangarei Harbour from Marden Point towards Bream Bay Mountain - 142129

By: Otto Gruebl | ottogrue


This image was from my home balcony in Taurikura, with a prime view towards the south and southeast. It was taken around the peak of a fantastic display of the Southern Lights as far north as 35 Degrees longitude. The red Aurora with rays is above the green colour above the horizon, overcoming the light pollution from Marsden Point. The reflection of the red Aurora Colour on the sea is stunningly intense. The camera captured what it saw except for some adjustments to the White Balance. A dark red with some bright rays was visible.

5 Months
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Finished since 129 days, 19 hours and 36 minutes.