The Pink Blanket - 142484
By: Daniel Mickleson | night_kiwi
Mid afternoon reading all the excitement online about the potential impending Aurora I knew I needed to head out to try and capture it, a bucket list photo would be worth the effort. I made a couple of phone calls to friends and we hit the road leaving Tauranga to head down to New Plymouth. Knowing the further south you can get the more likely the chance of capturing something. We headed to Lake Managamahoe with aspirations of imaging the mountain reflecting in the lake with a hit of Aurora in the sky, by chance during a period of lull we setup on this small jetty to capture the Milkyway not expecting to capture the edge of the Aurora in the process, the result being my favourite milky way image I have captured to date. Now an A0 sized feature in my lounge.
Finished since 129 days, 2 hours and 22 minutes.