[Aurora] Submission 142529 – Shelley Grell

Woken by my cat and realised the Great Aurora had just arrived - 142529

By: Shelley Grell |


Credit to the apps for the forecasts, to my cat for unusually waking me up, and the Glendale app and back of camera for confirming I needed to rattle dags and race up our hill if I was to caputre the aurora before sunrise. With very little experience and opportunity (living in Pohara Golden Bay with mountain blocked view of the south), no real planning the night before, I had barely 30 minutes to get out of bed, the camera set up, in focus and to take enough test shots to get the settings right. The aurora was so bright, and the sun was rising fast, that seting the optimum shutter speed and ISO setting was challenging.

5 Months
Since posted

Finished since 130 days, 12 hours and 53 minutes.