[Deep Sky] Submission 141837 – Logan Carpenter

The Homunculus Eta Carinae - 141837

By: Logan Carpenter | logans_astro


The goal was to capture the Homunculus nebula that surrounds the binary star system of Eta Carinae as well as the nebulosity around the area of the Keyhole nebula. One second exposure for Ha and 0.2 sec exposures for RGB were taken to create an HaRGB image of the Homunculus and this also revealed the Ha region immediately surrounding Eta Carinae which is energized by the UV equatorial emissions of the Homunculus. Two minute subs were taken with Optolong 7nm narrowband filters to create the SHO of the remainder of the nebulosity surrounding the Keyhole which included the 'Mystic Mountain' and the bok globule referred to as the 'Finger of God' (or the Defiant Finger).

6 Months
Since posted

Finished since 136 days, 19 hours and 41 minutes.