[Deep Sky] Submission 141846 – Logan Carpenter

The Krumm Nebula (from Aaahh!! Real Monsters) - 141846

By: Logan Carpenter | logans_astro


The one thing that everyone seems to be able to agree on is 'where on earth is the running chicken in the Running Chicken Nebula'. It seems to remain a complete mystery as to how this beautiful and iconic nebula of our southern skies was named after sprinting poultry. As both of my sons grew up watching Aaahh!! Real Monsters, I was very familiar with the appearance of the main characters and so when imaging IC 2944 this year, I was struck by the remarkable resemblance to Krumm, a monster who holds both eyeballs in his hands above his head. So from now on, this wonderful nebula with its floating bok globules will forever be called the Krumm Nebula (at least by me anyway :). IC 29444 fitted perfectly within the square sensor of the ASI533mmPro. Also present towards the lower left hand corner is the planetary nebula PK294-00.1

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