[Deep Sky] Submission 142688 – Steve Lang

Tarnatula - 142688

By: Steve Lang |


This is made up of; H-alpha: 146 × 5 min OIII: 109 × 5 min SII: 109 x 5 min R: 18 x 15 second 4.5 min G: 18 x 15 second 4.5 min B: 18 x 15 second 4.5 min Some slightly older data that I decided to add more to. Processed using PI and *XTerminator plugins. Each NB filter (Ha, Sii, Oiii) had; * DynamicCrop * GradientCorrection * BlurXTerminator The 3 subs (Ha, Sii, Oiii) were then combined using the Foraxx script, followed by * HistogramTransformation (starting off with the curve from an unlinked Screen Transfer Function) * StarXterminator (plugin - get rid of SHO stars as have taken RGB stars) * SetiAstro Statistical Stretch (script) * CurvesTransformation (boost hue, contrast and some other stuff) * NoiseXTerminator (plugin) Each RGB filter had a VERY simple treatment. * ChannelCombination * SetiAstro Star Stretch (script) * StarXTerminator (plugin) The resultant stars file created as leftover from StarXT above was added using PixelMath to the previous SHO (well, Foraxx) image. A little extra extra trickery involved here.

3 Months
Since posted

Finished since 79 days, 12 hours and 22 minutes.