Gossamer in Vela - 143552
By: Bruce Charlier |
The Vela Supernova Remnant is in the southern constellation Vela (the sails). Its source - a Type II Supernova - exploded approximately 11,000–12,300 years ago, at a distance of about 800 light-years from Earth. This image represents only a small portion of this immense structure, but shows a high resolution view of the intricate, tenuous filaments of expanding ionised gasses, where the orange-red nebulosity corresponds to H-alpha (and also SII) emission, and the blue areas to OIII emission. Uncropped 600s exposures, H-a x 18, OIII x 22, SII x 22, plus 120s exposures (for stars) 10 x RGB. Total integration = 11hrs 20mins Takahashi TOA130 with 67 flattener giving f7.6 at 1000mm focal length, ASI6200 MM Pro, Chroma filters, AP1200GTO CP4. This was to be (and could still be) part of a mosaic project. Images made over three nights in February 2024 from my solar-powered observatory at Star Field, S. Wairarapa, NZ
Finished since 129 days, 9 hours and 20 minutes.