[Artistic] Submission 142583 – Paul Wilson

Contingency - 142583

By: Paul Wilson | paul_wilson_images


What started as a trip close to home turned into a bit of a drive last week! The location I had in mind was thick with fog, so I kept driving and ended up on New Zealand's West Coast. This location is challenging it is to shoot! There needs to be no moon, a calm and low tide, and the Milky Way needs to align with this, plus you need clear skies! Before heading down, I put my tracking mount and pano head together, away from the water and sand, and carried it assembled—not something you'd want to be mucking around with here. The airglow was crazy; you can see it change from South to North in this wide panorama (left and right ends of the Milky Way). Very happy with how the night turned out and the successful plan B—it was worth missing sleep for and the 7 hours of driving for just 1 hour of shooting!

5 Months
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Voting finished 130 days, 10 hours and 6 minutes ago